
Industry image.

Providing Solutions for the Retail Industry

The current disruption in the retail industry has left many mature retailers with debt problems for the first time in their operating history. We understand that the market is changing and your business needs solutions to your debt issues that are in line with your goals. You likely have peak periods and low times during the course of the year. Depending on what you stock, your business may even be seasonal or rely heavily on special occasions and holidays. If debt trouble has snuck into your books and records, we can help you sort it out and a find a solution to save your business. A Spergel Trustee can handle all of your debt management issues, allowing you to focus on managing the operations of your company.

Retail Experts:

Philip H. Gennis

Licensed Insolvency Trustee, Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency

Graeme Hamilton

Licensed Insolvency Trustee

Trevor B. Pringle


Harvey S. Lipman

Licensed Insolvency Trustee, Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency

Featured Articles:

Lending to Your Company: Protecting Your Shareholder Loan, Part I

Lending to Your Company: Protecting Your Shareholder Loan, Part II

Our Services

For over 30 years, our Licensed Insolvency Trustees have been helping all sizes of businesses identify and solve their business debt problems. Our breadth of restructuring experience can help your business explore all possible business debt solutions. Whether you need operational and financial restructuring, insolvency or advisory services – let our team help you discover strategic and cost-effective solutions.

Solutions for Business Owners

Solutions for Lenders & Creditors

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