
Industry image.

Spergel Strategic Solutions for the Manufacturing Industry

Large-scale Canadian manufacturing operations often have international ties that Spergel’s Licensed Insolvency Trustees can help with. Our Trustees are members of the Global Restructuring Insolvency Professionals Network. In addition to being GRIP members, manufacturing companies of all sizes can benefit from our wide range of experience recommending debt solutions across various manufacturing industries.

Manufacturing Experts:

Gillian Goldblatt


Philip H. Gennis

Licensed Insolvency Trustee, Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency

Graeme Hamilton

Licensed Insolvency Trustee

Trevor B. Pringle


Mukul Manchanda

Managing Partner, Corporate Restructuring & Insolvency

Harvey S. Lipman

Licensed Insolvency Trustee, Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency

Featured Articles:

Lending to Your Company: Protecting Your Shareholder Loan, Part I

Lending to Your Company: Protecting Your Shareholder Loan, Part II

Our Services

For over 30 years, our Licensed Insolvency Trustees have been helping all sizes of businesses identify and solve their business debt problems. Our breadth of restructuring experience can help your business explore all possible business debt solutions. Whether you need operational and financial restructuring, insolvency or advisory services – let our team help you discover strategic and cost-effective solutions.

Solutions for Business Owners

Solutions for Lenders & Creditors

Let's start a conversation.
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